Pamycarie | #DearDeer | 2020 Autumn CollectionPamycarie #DearDeer Autumn Collection 2020 Designed & handcrafted in Hong Kong by the Pamycarie Team. ❀ Campaign Crew ❀ Director_Art...
Pamycarie SS18 Blossom 溢櫻「江戶時代的良寬和尚去世前留下了一句著名的詩句: 散る桜 残る桜も 散る桜 (飄零的櫻花,殘留在樹枝上的櫻花,也終歸是飄零的櫻花。) 這正是櫻花在日本人心中的寫照。美好的東西總是無常、易逝的,而其短暫的存在便彌足珍貴了。出於消極的積極,基於悲觀的達觀,這大概就是日本人透觀櫻...
Tokyo Design Week 2016 - Floral Ornaments that ain't Made by Machines.Pamycarie is a brand founded by three artists, Queenie Chow, Pamela Yung and Carrie Yung. We design and handcraft floral ornaments mainly by
Making of Resin Clay CurdFloral ornaments that ain't made by machines. Documentary of making resin clay curds,